Sunday, August 15, 2010

Peer Review Presentations

Updated Video (Posted Beta Version Prior)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Richard,

    Great job! I love your keynote speaker and I want to learn more about him and what he has to say. How informative and enlightening his views are! What program did you end up making your video on, I remember you were tossing around ideas on what to use?

  3. Richard,
    I appreciate the effort of your project, but you lost me three minutes into your video. I did not understand your message. The reading lost me and I had go back and regroup! The video had too much PowerPoint. The idea of Web 2.0 got lost with the length. Your keynote speaker came on too soon. Really I beleive rearranging would have greatly benefitted you and your project.
    Great editing,

  4. Richard,
    Great presentation!! Web 2.0 technologies are defiantly reshaping how society communicates. At the end of you presentation I really like how you brought emphasis to the family. Before Facebook I have some relatives that I have not talked to in years, but now we talk at least once a week. I never forget a birthday, because Facebook send notifications. Web 2.0 keeps me in constant communication with people and it keeps me informed!! You stats you gathered about social networking usage speaks volumes.

  5. Brad...

    My idea of the project was to introduce an audience to the topic (which the keynote speaker would be explaining in detail) so that the audience is on their seats waiting for the information.

    I know it didn't follow how other videos went, but I really tried to make it an intro/teaser for the audience.

  6. Kat...

    I used Zamzar and Windows Movie Maker. I went a while about actually going and getting an Apple but I decided to see what i could do with what I had.

  7. Andree...

    Thanks for the comments. My belief is that we are at a new transition where the internet is a real time connection to all information and the world. Being able to use social networking and Web 2.0 makes construction of information and even products at a distance and in real time.

  8. I updated the video... I posted the wrong version...
